Terrain following function

Aolan agricultural drones have revolutionized the way farmers protect crops from pests and diseases. As technology advances, Aolan drones are now equipped with Terrain following radar, making them more efficient and suitable for hillside operations.

following radar drone

The ground-imitating  technology into plant protection drones significantly enhances the capabilities of plant protection drones. This innovative feature enables the sprayer drone to adapt to changes in terrain, allowing it to operate efficiently in hilly and uneven terrain. The ability to adjust and maneuver according to the terrain ensures thorough and precise coverage of the entire agricultural area, leaving no corner untouched.

The terrain following radar enables agriculture sprayer drones to detect changes in the ground and adjust their flight paths accordingly. This ensures that the agri drone maintains an optimal distance from the ground, avoiding collisions and ensuring smooth, uninterrupted operation. Additionally, radar technology enables Aolan drones to identify potential obstacles or hazards on the ground, allowing them to traverse challenging terrain with ease and precision.

Aolan drones spray

In addition, the addition of ground-imitating radar improves the overall safety and efficiency of spraying UAV drone operations. By accurately mimicking the contours of the ground, these agro drones can maintain a consistent and even spraying or monitoring distance from crops, resulting in thorough and effective coverage. This not only maximizes the effectiveness of the plant protection process, but also minimizes the risk of overspray or omission in critical areas within the field.

Ground-imitating technology has truly improved the capabilities of farm pesticides spraying drones, making it an indispensable tool for modern agriculture, especially mountainous operations. Farmers can now rely on these advanced drones to effectively protect crops while traversing challenging terrain with precision and ease. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of innovative features such as ground-imitating radar will further enhance the performance and versatility of agricultural drones, ensuring sustainable and effective crop management practices.


Post time: Aug-06-2024